Crater Copernicus through a Refractor Telescope Orion Premium 102mm ED with a Canon EOS T2I and a 2x barlow. |
Yesterday I tried to take some pictures of the moon with greater zoom. I focused mainly on the crater Copernicus, which was fantastic close to the terminator of the moon. The moon terminator is the area between day and night, where the surface details are highlighted by shadows generated by light beating side.
The result was the image you can see above, the result of five photos processed in Registax 5.1. In terms of capturing the details, this is my best photo of a specific area of the Moon so far, but I hope to get better pictures using more frames, programming the camera to take multiple pictures in a row, something I did not do yesterday.
The crater Copernicus is located northwest of the center of the hemisphere of the visible face of the Moon Due to its relative youth in terms of astronomy, it remains in the same primitive form in which it was formed. Its edge has a circular hexagonal shape especially.
Due largely to its recent formation, the crater floor was not flooded with lava. The terrain along the bottom of it is wrinkled in the south and softer towards the north. The peaks existing in its center, consists of three separate chains together, rising about 1.2 km from the ground. separated from each other by valleys.
The crater Copernicus is about 90km in diameter. In the photo below I put beside it the Federal District of Brazil, which has roughly the same size crater.
Comparison of crater Copernicus with the Federal District od Brazil |